1790 Enterprise Parkway, Twinsburg Ohio 44087 P: 330.425.4497 | F: 330.963.6816
Terms of Use
Terms of Use


This page contains terms concerning use of the Twinsburg Township website.  By accessing this site, you agree to be bound by conditions outlined below.



This site is owned and operated by the Township for your information. This site may contain information and press releases about the Township, as well as information about township government in general. Any information was believed to be accurate as of the date prepared. The Township does not undertake any obligation to update such information. All site design, text, graphics, including selection and arrangement thereof, are used with the expressed intent of complying with applicable laws pertaining to ownership and use. You may view, copy or print pages from this site solely for personal, noncommercial purposes. You may not otherwise use, modify, copy, print, display, reproduce, distribute or publish information from this site without the express written permission from the Township.



The Township welcomes comments and questions through this site, but does not want to receive confidential or proprietary information from you. By submitting information through this site, you agree that the information shall not be considered confidential and shall become the property of the Township. The Township shall have the unrestricted right to any information submitted for any purpose and without compensation to the submitter/author.



This site includes links to sites maintained or controlled by others.  Links are provided for user convenience only, are not intended to assign importance to any other sites or information thereon, and are not intended to endorse or recommend any views expressed or products or services offered on any other sites. The Township does not control the content or guarantee the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of information on any other sites. As with the Township’s site, once you enter any other site, you are subject to the terms and conditions of use, privacy policies, and copyrights of that site. Any products or services referenced on this site are the trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. If you have any questions concerning usage or licensing of trademarks, please contact Township Hall.



The Township may provide online versions of documents such as agendas, forms, minutes, policies, regulations, and resolutions as a service and courtesy to site users.  Documents or forms obtained from this site are for informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current or official Township documents. Additionally, formatting and pagination of posted documents may vary from formatting and pagination of official Township documents.  Official Township documents should be consulted prior to any action being taken, as the accuracy or reliability of documents obtained from this site cannot be guaranteed by the Township.  Copies of official documents can be obtained by contacting Township Hall.


Basic Information

The Township will collect no personal information about you when you visit this site unless you choose to provide that information to the Township. The Township collects and stores only the following information about you: the domain name from which you access the internet; the date and time of accessing this site; any item requested from this site; and the internet address of the web site from which you linked directly to this site. Any data, when examined, is always presented in an aggregate form.  Except as outlined herein, the Township does not track or look at individual usage behavior. Logs are periodically summarized and analyzed in order to study site usage over time, and to perform other studies to help the Township to improve the site's organization, performance, and usefulness.


Personal Information

If you choose to provide the Township with information about yourself, whether in an electronic mail message containing a question or comment or by filling out a form that e-mails the Township this information, the Township will use this information to address your concern or respond to your request.  The Township may forward any message received to other government agencies or employees, who may be better able to answer your questions. Any information collected via e-mail may be retained at the Township’s discretion in a directly readable form for as long as necessary to complete the Township’s response. The e-mail message itself may be retained in archival form as required by applicable laws and regulations governing retention of public records. Any information that the Township collects via a questionnaire or a guestbook may be subject to disclosure, but will be handled in accordance with applicable laws and regulations governing personal privacy and public records.



Twinsburg Township is especially concerned about protecting the privacy of children. The Township hopes that parents, caregivers and teachers are involved in exploration of the internet by children.  It is particularly important for adults to guide children when they are asked to provide personal information via the internet.  The Township welcomes e-mail messages from children, but requests that children first obtain permission from a parent, caregiver or teacher before providing any personal information via this site or any other site.



The Township would like to ensure the safety and security of your information but, as hackers have proven worldwide, no computer security system is entirely foolproof. The most that any web site can do is make reasonable efforts, which is what the Township will do, to protect your information from theft, misuse, and unauthorized alteration. Any attempt to alter, impair, damage or destroy this site by unauthorized individuals will be reported to proper local authorities, and all records pertaining to such activity made available to such authorities for investigative purposes. The Township may, in the event of any such attempt, successful or not, shut down this site to outside viewing until such time as Township or local law enforcement officials, as part of investigating unauthorized access to this site, deem it appropriate to resume normal operations of this site. The Township will aggressively prosecute, to the fullest extent of the law, any identified responsible party.



The Township attempts to provide current information via this site in order to increase awareness of relevant Township services and events. The Township is not required to archive contents of this site, and any items chosen to be archived are at the discretion of the Township. The Township may edit, add, delete or remove information on this site at any time, without archiving the information and without notice. The Township reserves the right to alter the entire content, design or location of this site at any time.



Information on this site is provided “as is” without any expressed or implied warranties, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. The Township shall not be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, consequential or other damages for use of this site or other linked sites.

This page was last updated on September 15, 2010.

Twinsburg Township
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