Joint Economic Development District (JEDD)
The Twinsburg Township-City of Reminderville Joint Economic Development District (JEDD) is a separate political subdivision, established in 2002 per Section 715.71 of the Ohio Revised Code as a joint economic development district, per a contract between the Township and Village. The JEDD levies a 1.5% tax on employee wages and business net profits in the JEDD area, which includes all land in the Township's industrial district. The JEDD tax is collected through the Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA). RITA withholds a small percentage of JEDD revenues for administration costs, and the City withholds an additional amount to fund the JEDD Board's annual budget. Remaining JEDD revenues are distributed to the Township (70%) and City (30%), per the JEDD Contract.
The JEDD's primary purpose, as stipulated in the JEDD Contract and as directed by the JEDD Board, is to promote jobs and economic development in the JEDD area. The JEDD Board takes this mission seriously and, in the years since establishment of the JEDD, has overseen significant investments in the JEDD area. JEDD area investments included reconstructing and adding sidewalks and decorative street lighting to all Township roads in the JEDD area, increasing police protection for JEDD area businesses, establishing a park in walkable distance to JEDD area businesses, and clearing snow from sidewalks and bus passenger shelters throughout the JEDD area during the winter season. The JEDD Board has also issued a newsletter, held breakfasts to thank JEDD area businesses, endowed a JEDD Scholarship at Kent State University Twinsburg Academic Center, and established and promoted incentive programs to facilitate attraction and retention of JEDD area businesses. Incentive program rules are available at Township Hall and as downloads from this site. See Document Library, Other Documents. JEDD Scholarship and incentive program applications are available at Township Hall and as downloads from this site. See Document Library, Forms.
There are multiple incentives available to businesses that choose to locate and grow in the Township's JEDD area. Following are the primary local business development incentives available in the JEDD area:
1. Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) program - 100% real property tax abatement on new buildings and additions, with terms tied to job creation, and with minimal investment requirement;
2. Enterprise Zone (EZ) program - real property tax abatement on new buildings and additions, with rates and terms tied to job creation, new payroll, investment, and other factors; and
3. Job Opportunity Incentive Now (JOIN) program - annual grants tied to prior year income tax revenues, with rates and terms tied to meeting job creation and/or new payroll commitments.
Additional business development incentives are available through the County and State. Please contact Township Hall with any business development incentive questions.
Top 10 Reasons to Locate and Grow Your Business in the Township's JEDD Area
1. Superior policing by Summit County Sheriff from a JEDD area substation;
2. Attractive street lights on all streets for added safety and positive business image;
3. Complete reconstruction of all streets between 2005-2009 and again in 2016;
4. Impeccable road maintenance, sweeping, cleaning, and winter snow and ice control;
5. New sidewalks on all streets, with snow cleared from sidewalks during winter season;
6. Beautiful park with nature pond, picnic tables, benches, and walking path;
7. Incentive programs for new business and expanding businesses;
8. Reliable utilities in place, with ample capacity for immediate use;
9. Convenient access to regional transportation system, with many sites having direct rail access; and
10. Competitive income tax rate of 1.5%, which is lower than ALL surrounding communities.
JEDD Contract
The JEDD Contract established a partnership between the Township and the City of Reminderville to promote jobs and economic development in the JEDD area. The JEDD Contract was approved by the Board of Trustees and the City Council and accepted by the County Council in mid 2002, approved by Township voters in November 2002, and effective beginning in January 2003. The JEDD Contract covers various issues pertaining to the JEDD area and JEDD Board. The JEDD Contract is available for purchase at Township Hall and as a download from this site. See Document Library, Other Documents.
JEDD Administrator
The Township Manager is designated as the JEDD Administrator, charged with identification of opportunities for collaboration and cooperation, project administration, budget preparation, revenue reporting, and JEDD Board coordination. The Township Manager is assisted as needed by other Township staff. Please contact Township Hall with any JEDD questions.
JEDD Board
The Board of Trustees appoints three JEDD Board members to one-year terms, and appoints one JEDD Board alternate to a one-year term, to fulfill duties outlined in the JEDD Contract. The City appoints three JEDD Board members to four-year terms, and appoints one JEDD Board alternate to a four-year term, to fulfill duties outlined in JEDD Contract. The JEDD Board recommends JEDD area projects and undertakes special projects. The JEDD Board meets, deliberates, and acts on all matters in public, except for limited executive session purposes outlined in Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code. The JEDD Board meets quarterly, with regular meetings held on the first Tuesday of the third month of each quarter, with the exception of holidays. All meetings are held at 7:00 PM and alternate between Township Hall, 1790 Enterprise Parkway, Twinsburg, OH 44087, and City Hall, 3382 Glenwood Boulevard, Reminderville, OH 44202.
Click here to view this year’s meeting schedule.
Click here to view recent notices.
Click here to view this year's meeting agendas, minutes, and videos.
Click here to view this year's resolutions.
The six current JEDD Board members and two current JEDD Board alternates are as follows:
Township Member 1, James C. Balogh (Term ends 12/31/2025)
Township Member 2, Jamey DeFabio (Term ends 12/31/2025)
Township Member 3, Thomas O. Schmidt (Term ends 12/31/2025)
Village Member 1, Thomas DiCarlo (Term ends 12/31/2025)
Village Member 2, Walter Hoffmann (Term ends 12/31/2025)
Village Member 3, Rodney Wiggins (Term ends 12/31/2025)
Township Alternate, Dale Lumby (Term ends 12/31/2025)
Village Alternate, Mark Kondik (Term ends 12/31/2025)
This page was last updated on January 3, 2025.