The Township Service Department performs various statutory tasks on Township roads, as well as additional tasks as directed by the Board of Trustees. The Service Department currently operates out of Township-owned space that is centrally located at 7996 Darrow Road in the Township. The Service Department has a full array of vehicles and equipment to complete most tasks in-house, with remaining work completed by Township-supervised outside contractors.
The Township pays for Service Department expenses with funds from several sources, including a 2.03 mill continuing property tax levy (inside millage), a 2.76 mill additional continuing property tax levy, gasoline taxes, motor vehicle license taxes, and investment interest. Because current costs exceed levy proceeds and other revenues, those resources are supplemented by Township General Fund revenues.
Road Maintenance
Roads in the Township fall into four maintenance categories by ownership and jurisdiction. The four categories are State, County, Township, and private.
Roads in the Township designated as State highways are maintained by the Ohio Department of Transportation District 4. Parts of three roads fall into this category, as follows: Interstate 480 (I 480), Darrow Road (SR 91), and East Aurora Road (SR 82).
Roads in the Township designated as County highways are maintained by the Summit County Engineer. Parts of seven roads fall into this category, as follows: Chamberlin Road (C.H. 128), Highland Road (C.H. 111), Liberty Road (C.H. 105), Old Mill Road (C.H. 109), Ravenna Road (C.H. 12), Stow Road (C.H. 106), and Twinsburg Road (C.H. 112).
Roads in the Township designated as Township roads are maintained by the Township Service Department. 15.423 miles of roadway on 58 roads fall into this category, with all of the road located in the Township except where noted, as follows: Adam Run (part), Alexa Court, Amelia Lane, Angela Drive, Ansonia Drive (part), Anthony Lane (part), Aspen Lane, Bavaria Road (part), Blue Jaye Lane, Boyle Parkway, Boyle Parkway (North), Bradford Park Lane, Buchtel Street, Cambridge Street, Case Street, Curry Lane, Darien Lane (part), Enterprise Parkway (part), Eryn Place, Estate Avenue, Eton Street, Evans Way, Fenmore Lane (part), Grace Drive, Hadden Road (part), Harvard Street, Herrick Road (part), Hulda Drive (part), Isabel Avenue, Janea Court, Katz Road, Lynne Drive, Marwell Boulevard, McCausland Drive, Megan Meadow Drive, Myrna Avenue, Nature's Preserve Drive, Oak Meadow Drive, Oxford Street, Pam Court, Park (East), Park (North), Park (South), Park Ridge Avenue, Pine Trails Circle (part), Ridgetop Drive, Rugby Street, Saint Mikala Court, Sara Fletcher Court, Sasha Court, Spruce Lane (part), Stanford Street, Steffan Woods Drive, Timber Avenue, Trisch Circle, Vitale Court, Waynesboro Drive, Wildel Drive, Woodland Glade Drive, and Yale Street.
Additional roads in the Township are privately owned and maintained by the persons or associations that own those roads. 26 roads fall into this category, with all of the road located in the Township except where noted, as follows: Andover Place, Arden Court, Benton Lane, Burton Lane, Burton Lane (North), Camden Lane, Dorset Lane, Fairway Boulevard (part), Fieldstone Lane, Gresham Lane, Hiram Lane, Hiram Lane (North), Kirtland Court, Kirtland Lane, Kirtland Place, Kirtland Place (North), McGhee Lane, Oralee Lane (East), Oralee Lane (North), Oralee Lane (South), Oralee Lane (West), Ray Court, Timber Trail, Tower Drive, Woodpath Court, and Woodpath Drive.
Snow Removal
Snow removal on public and private roads in the Township is the responsibility of the State, County, Township or private owner or association responsible for maintenance of the road. All public and private entities communicate with each other and cooperate to keep roadways in the Township safe, clean, and clear of snow and ice during the winter season.
Roadside Ditches
Ditches along public roads in the Township are maintained by the State, County or Township, depending on which entity maintains the roadway. All three entities have different rules, regulations, and procedures relating to issues such as cleaning, mowing, and ditch enclosures.
Driveway Culverts
Driveway culverts along public roads in the Township with ditches are regulated by the State, County or Township, depending on which entity maintains the roadway. All three entities have different rules, regulations, and procedures relating to issues such as cleaning, mowing, and ditch enclosures.
Curb Cuts
Curb cuts along public roads in the Township with curbs are regulated by the State, County or Township, depending on which entity maintains the roadway. All three entities have different rules, regulations, and procedures relating to issues such as access management, drive separation, and pavement surface.
Branch Chipping
The Township currently offers branch chipping free of charge to residential properties. A property must, however, have a house on it to receive this service. The Service Department collects and chips branches once a month, from May through September. For 2025 service will occur on the second full week of the month, on the following dates and continue until completed: Monday May 12, Monday June 19, Monday July 7, Monday August 11, and Monday, September 8. Collected and chipped materials are stockpiled for use on public properties. No application is necessary, but residents are asked to follow a few simple guidelines to help keep this service cost-effective and efficient for all. Branches must be out no later than 7:30 AM on the above dates, in order to guarantee collection in that month. Branches should be placed on the tree lawn (grass area within 10 feet of the pavement edge) in neatly stacked piles with cut ends facing the street. Where a ditch exists along the pavement edge, branches should be placed beside, rather than in, the ditch. Piles should be free of stumps, leaves, grass clippings and other yard waste, briars, vines, and anything with thorns. Branches should be not longer than four feet and not greater than 10 inches in diameter. The Service Department will pick up only those materials that conform to the above guidelines.
Ditch Mowing
The Township is statutorily required to mow roadside ditches along Township roads two times per year. The Service Department mows roadside ditches along Township roads once a month, during May and August. For 2025 service will occur on the following dates and continue until completed: Monday May 19 and Monday August 18. No application is necessary, but residents are asked to keep roadside ditches free of debris, including but not limited to trash, grass clippings, leaves, and branches, to help keep this service cost-effective and efficient for all. Roadside ditches along County and State roads in the Township are mowed by the County and State, respectively, consistent with the standard referenced above.
Leaf Pickup
The Township currently offers leaf collection free of charge to residential properties. A property must, however, have a house on it to receive this service. The Service Department collects leaves once a month, in October, November, and - weather permitting - December. For 2025 service will occur on the second full week of the month, on the following dates and continue until completed: Tuesday, October 14 (delayed due to Columbus Day), Monday, November 10, and Monday December 8. No application is necessary, but residents are asked to follow a few simple guidelines to help keep this service cost-effective and efficient for all. Leaves must be out no later than 7:30 AM on the above dates, in order to guarantee collection in that round. Leaves should be placed on the tree lawn (grass area within 10 feet of the pavement edge) in neatly stacked piles. Where a ditch exists along the pavement edge, leaves should be placed beside, rather than in, the ditch. Piles should be free of stumps, branches, grass clippings and other yard waste, briars, vines, and anything with thorns. The Service Department will pick up only those materials that conform to the above guidelines.
Christmas TREEcycling
The Township currently offers Christmas TREEcycling services free of charge to residential properties following the holiday season. A property must, however, have a house on it to receive this service. The Service Department collects Christmas trees once in January, weather permitting. For the 2024-2025 winter season, collection will occur on Thursday January 9 and continue until completed. All trees will be chipped and used as mulch in 2025 on various Township-owned properties. No application is necessary, but residents are asked to follow a few simple guidelines to help keep this service cost-effective and efficient for all. Trees must be out no later than 7:00 AM on Thursday, January 9, in order to guarantee collection. Trees may be left whole and need not be cut into pieces. Trees should be separated from regular garbage/recycling items and placed outside garbage/recycling containers. Trees should be placed on the tree lawn (grass area within 10 feet of the pavement edge) at or near the edge of the driveway. Trees should be placed so that they do not block sidewalks and are not in streets. Where a ditch exists along the pavement edge, trees should be placed beside, rather than in, the ditch. Trees should be free of lighting, ornaments, and other decorations. The Service Department will pick up only those materials that conform to the above guidelines.
Contact Information
In the event of a Service concern on a State highway, please call ODOT District 4 at (330) 650-1300.
In the event of a Service concern on a County highway, please call the Summit County Engineer's office at (330) 643-2850.
In the event of a Service concern on a Township road, or if any concerns expressed to the State or the County are not addressed in a timely manner, or if you have any other Service-related questions, please call Township Hall at (330) 425-4497.
This page was last updated on January 3, 2025.