The Township, through its General Fund, pays for expenses with funds from several sources, including a 2.03 mill continuing levy (inside millage), charges for services, host agreement fees, miscellaneous fines, investment interest, and intergovernmental receipts. The prime source of Township General Fund revenues is intergovernmental revenues from the Joint Economic Development District (JEDD) that the Township shares with the City of Reminderville.
Township Manager
The Board of Trustees appoints all Township employees each year and approves all Township contracts and purchases, except where such authority is officially delegated. The Board of Trustees has appointed a Township Manager (Township Administrator per Section 505.031 of the Ohio Revised Code), with powers and duties defined in Section 505.032 of the Ohio Revised Code. The Township Manager oversees the daily operation of the Township, including management of all Township employees. The Township Manager or a designee thereof is authorized by the Board of Trustees to incur obligations of up to $10,000.00 or less on behalf of the Township, with all obligations exceeding $10,000.00 approved by the Board of Trustees.
Investment Policy
The Board of Trustees in 2008 adopted the Twinsburg Township Investment Policy. The Township Manager oversees Policy implementation, in coordination with the Fiscal Officer and Township employees.
Click here for a copy of the Township's 2008 investment policy.
Purchasing Policy
The Board of Trustees in 2009, 2014, 2019, and 2024 adopted and amended the Twinsburg Township Purchasing Policy. The Township Manager oversees Policy implementation, in coordination with the Fiscal Officer and Township employee.
Click here for a copy of the Township's 2009 purchasing policy.
Click here for a copy of the Township's 2014 purchasing policy amendments.
Click here for a copy of the Township's 2019 purchasing policy amendments.
Click here for a copy of the Township's 2024 purchasing policy amendments.
Township Budget
The Township operates on a fiscal year that coincides with the calendar year. The Township budget preparation process begins six months before the fiscal year begins, when succeeding year resources (fund balances plus revenues) and expenditures (capital, operating, contingency, and reserve) are first estimated.
The Township Manager works with the Fiscal Officer in July each year to prepare and submit the Township’s alternative tax budget information, which leads to issuance by the Summit County Budget Commission in November of the Township’s Official Certificate of Estimated Resources. The Township Manager works with the Fiscal Officer and the Budget Commission to amend the Official Certificate of Estimated Resources throughout the fiscal year as needed.
Click here for a copy of the Township’s most recent certificate of resources.
The Township Manager works with the Board of Trustees each year to prepare the Township’s appropriations resolutions, by which the Board allocates Township funds for expenditure purposes. The Board of Trustees adopts a temporary appropriations resolution by December 31st for the succeeding fiscal year, adopts a permanent appropriations resolution by March 31st for the current fiscal year, and supplements appropriations throughout the fiscal year as needed.
Click here for a copy of the Township's most recent 2025 appropriations resolution.
The Township Manager works with the Board of Trustees and Fiscal Year each year to update the Township's debt schedules, which list outstanding Township debt, along with debt service payments (principal and interest) made in the most recent fiscal year and due in succeeding fiscal years.
The Board of Trustees on June 2017 adopted Resolution No. 44-17, to authorize use of the Treasurer of State's online public fund transparency and accountability portal, As a result of this action, Township expenditures can be easily viewed, searched, and displayed by the public.
Click here for a direct link to the Township's homepage.
This page was last updated on January 3, 2025.