1790 Enterprise Parkway, Twinsburg Ohio 44087 P: 330.425.4497 | F: 330.963.6816



The Township currently pays for park maintenance services with General Fund revenues.  Payment for these services is re-authorized by the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. The Township owns and maintains several public park properties, as outlined below:


Community Garden Program

 The Township Community Garden Program began in 2011 as a way to provide garden plot opportunities for Township residents.  The Board of Trustees subsequently re-authorized the Program each consecutive year thereafter, and continues into 2025.  As part of the Program, the Township prepares the land, accepts and reviews applications, and assigns plots via a random plot lottery, with a 2025 limit of up to one plot per Township household.  For 2025 up to 39 plots, ranging from 10F X 10F to 20F X 20F in size, will be available at the Community Garden, located on Township-owned land on the north side of Twinsburg Road, east of Oak Meadow Drive and west of Estate Avenue.  A second garden has been established as the Twinsburg Heights Community Park, located at the east side of Rugby, south side of Eton, west side of Hadden, and the North side of Buchtel. This new garden has 22 plots ranging from 10F x 10F to 20F x 20F in size.  

The only Program requirement is Township residency or employment at a business or institution located in Twinsburg Township, and a non-refundable fee of $20.00 will be due only if eligible applicant is assigned and accepts a plot and agrees to abide by Township Community Garden Policies & Procedures. Applications will be received on a rolling basis, with the plot lottery to occur on Thursday, May 1, 2025. 
Program application forms and other information are available at Township Hall.

Click here for a copy of the Township Community Garden Program application.

Township Square

 Twinsburg Township Square, known alternately as the Square, is located at the intersection of Darrow Road (SR 91) and East Aurora Road (SR 82) and is bounded to the north by Ravenna Road, to the south by East Aurora Road, to the east by Darrow Road, and to the west by Church Street.  Originally six acres in area, the parcel on which the Square is located measures just over three acres today.  The parcel includes a parking lot maintained by the Township on the Square’s north side.  Located in the original center of Twinsburg Township, Township Square is today located in the City of Twinsburg.  The Square was deeded to the Township in the early 1800’s by Moses and Aaron Wilcox.  The Wilcox twins’ land donation was accompanied by $20.00 to fund construction on the Square of the community’s first school building.  In 1822 a log schoolhouse was constructed on the Square. In 1823 – when a larger, combined school-church building was proposed – it was decided that the Square should remain unoccupied by public buildings.  Since that time the Square has undergone many changes, with today’s improvements including a stage, several monuments and memorial features, a network of sidewalks, decorative lighting, picnic tables, and a constantly changing family of trees.  On-street parking is available on Church Street west of the Square.


A.W. Robertson Park

 A.W. Robertson Park is located at the intersection of Twinsburg Road and Katz Road and is bounded to the north by Katz Road, to the south by Twinsburg Road, to the east by Timber Avenue and Lynn Drive, and to the west by a private property.  Robertson Park measures 2.29 acres in size and was deeded to the Township in the late 1950’s by developers of the adjacent Mar-Well Estates Allotment.  The Park was named after a Township resident who lost his life in the Vietnam War.  The Township obtained grant funding to install a paved path and parking area on this parcel in 2007, with other current improvements including a gazebo and picnic tables.  The Township installed playground equipment and additional parking north of Katz Road adjacent to the Park in late 2008.  On-street parking is available on Katz Road north of Robertson Park.


Erwin Geis Park

Erwin Geis Park is located along Bavaria Road, south of Enterprise Parkway in the Township’s industrial area, also known as the Joint Economic Development District (JEDD) area, and is bounded to the north by Katz Road, to the south and west by private property, and to the east by Bavaria Road.  The Park measures 5.03 acres in area and includes a large pond that also serves as part of the industrial park’s storm water management system.  Erwin Geis Park was deeded to the Township in the late 1990’s by developers of the Twinsburg Industrial Park. The Board of Trustees named the Park after the late Erwin Geis, developer of the Twinsburg Industrial Park and many other thriving areas throughout Northeast Ohio.  The Township teamed with the Geis family and the Township’s JEDD partner, the City of Reminderville, to install a pergola, sitting area, landscaping, memorial stone, and flag pole, along with a nearly quarter-mile concrete walking path and benches.  A dedication ceremony, with members of the Geis family present, was held in late 2005 for the Park upon completion of initial improvements.  On-street parking near the Park is limited, but Erwin Geis Park is completely accessible via the JEDD area’s recently constructed sidewalk network.

Twinsburg Heights Community Park

Twinsburg Heights Community Park is centrally located in the Twinsburg Heights neighborhood, with access from Buchtel, Eton, and Rugby Streets, as well as from Hadden Road.  The Park measures 2.71 acres in area and includes playground equipment, paths, picnic tables, and a community garden.  Twinsburg Heights Community Park was acquired by the Township through fee simple purchases of three separate parcels in 2011, 2013, and 2014, respectively.  The Township sought and obtained grant funding to defray the cost of 2015 improvements to the property.  There is ample on-street parking near the Park, with additional off-street parking contemplated in future years.


Contact Information

 Please contact Township Hall with any questions related to parks.

This page was last updated on January 3, 2025.

Twinsburg Township
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