Below is a list of 2019 board, commission, and committee resolutions. Digits to the left of the dash refer to the order in which the resolution was introduced, and digits to the right of the dash refer to the year in which the original resolution was acted on. All resolutions are original except where amendments are noted. Resolutions are listed by resolution number, with amended resolutions listed after the corresponding original resolutions. Resolutions are amended after the original resolution is acted on, so the order below is not chronological by date. Prior year resolutions are included on this list only if amended or otherwise acted on in the current year. Resolutions are posted to this site once acted on at a meeting and signed, usually one to two weeks after the date of the meeting. Resolutions with exhibits are posted for those pertaining to fiscal matters (appropriations, purchase orders, etc.). Copies of all resolutions and exhibits are available at Township Hall. See bottom of the page for links to prior year legislation.
2019 Board of Trustees Resolutions
09-15 As Amended Independent Professional Auditing Services Memorandum of Agreement 15-17 As Amended #4 Marwell Estates Allotment Project Phase II 28-18 As Amended #2 Marwell Estates Allotment Project Phases III and IV 28-18 As Amended #3 Marwell Estates Allotment Project Phases III and IV 36-18 As Amended #2 Heights Allotment Reconstruction Project Phases 11, 12 and 13 02-19 Recreation Center Program 03-19 Senior Center Program 04-19 Senior Transportation Program 07-19 Community Garden Program 08-19 Intent to Sell -- Internet Auctions 09-19 Appropriations (reallocations) 11-19 Then and Now Purchase Orders 12-19 Summit County Radio User Agreement 13-19 Credit Card Account Policy 14-19 Appropriations (supplemental) 16-19 Then and Now Purchase Orders 17-19 Permanent Appropriations 19-19 Then and Now Purchase Orders 20-19 Summit County Engineer Road Program 22-19 Support for Twinsburg City School District Levy 23-19 NOPEC Energized Community Grant 24-19 Appropriations (Supplemental) 26-19 Appropriations (Supplemental) 28-19 Then and Now Purchase Orders 29-19 Summit County Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Adoption 30-19 Natureworks Grant Application 31-19 Appropriations (Supplemental) 33-19 Then and Now Purchase Orders 34-19 OPWC Grant Application - Heights Allotment Phase 16 35-19 OPWC Grant Application - Heights Allotment Phase 17 36-19 OPWC Grant Application - Kensington/Ridgetop Improvement Phase 2 37-19 NOPEC Grant Application - Electronic Device Charging Station 38-19 KHovnanian Amendment to Mutual Release Agreement 39-19 Appropriations (Supplemental) 41-19 Then and Now Purchase Orders 42-19 2020 Ford F550 Utility/Bucket Truck Lease 43-19 Appropriations (Reallocation) 45-19 Then and Now Purchase Orders 46-19 Transfer of Funds (Marwell #3 to GF) 47-19 Special Assessments 48-19 Appropriations (Supplemental) 50-19 Then and Now Purchase Orders 51-19 Residential Solid Waste Disposal and Recycling Services Contract Addendum 52-19 Additional Appropriations (Supplemental) 54-19 Then and Now Purchases 55-19 Transfer of Funds (General to Road & Bridge) 56-19 Tax Incentive Review Council Recommendation 57-19 2020 Accepting Amounts & Rates; Certify Necessary Tax Levies 58-19 2020 Advancement of Funds 59-19 Medical Insurance Renewal (2019 - 2020) 60-19 Additional Appropriations (Reallocation) 62-19 Then and Now Purchases 63-19 Dental Insurance Renewal (2020) 64-19 Life Insurance Renewal (2020) 65-19 Accepting Unclaimed Funds from Summit County 66-19 Property Purchase ([no address] Stanford Street) 67-19 Property Purchase ([no address] Cambridge Street) 68-19 Additional Appropriations (Reallocation) 70-19 Then and Now Purchases 73-19 Temporary Appropriations (2020) 74-19 Health Insurance to Newly Elected Officials 75-19 Property Purchase ([no address] Stanford Street) 76-19 Pulte Homes of Ohio, LLC License Agreement 77-19 Township Manager Employment Agreement
2019 Board of Zoning Appeals Resolutions
01-19 7851 Bavaraia Road - Wall Sign Variance 02-19 3068 Old Mill Road - Corner Lot Variance/Area Variance/Accessory Sructure Variance 03-19 1551 Janea Court - Area Variance/Accessory Structure/Setback Variance 04-19 2520 Old Mill Road - Area Variance/Front Yard Setback 05-19 3279 Old Mill Road - Riparian Setback 06-19 8035 Darrow Road - Sign Variance(s)
2019 Joint Economic Development District Board of Directors Resolutions
2019 Twinsburg Township Water District Board of Trustees Resolutions
02-19 Internet Auctions - Intent to Sell 03-19 Appropriations Budget Amendment #1 05-19 Then and Now Purchase Orders 06-19 Revenue Budget Amendment 1 07-19 Appropriations Budget Amendment 2 09-19 Then and Now Purchase Orders 10-19 Revenue Budget 2020 11-19 Appropriations Budget 2020 12-19 Legal Services 2020 13-19 Engineering Services 2020 14-19 Depository Services 2020
Prior Year Resolutions