1790 Enterprise Parkway, Twinsburg Ohio 44087 P: 330.425.4497 | F: 330.963.6816
2007 Resolutions
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2007 Resolutions

Below is a list of 2007 board, commission, and committee resolutions.  Digits to the left of the dash refer to the order in which the resolution was introduced, and digits to the right of the dash refer to the year in which the original resolution was acted on.  All resolutions are original except where amendments are noted.  Resolutions are listed by resolution number, with amended resolutions listed after the corresponding original resolution.  Resolutions are amended after the original resolution is acted on, so the order below is not chronological by date.  Prior year resolutions are included on this list only if amended or otherwise acted on in the current year.  Resolutions are posted to this site once acted on at a meeting and signed, usually within a week to two weeks after the date of the meeting.  Resolutions only (i.e., without exhibits) are posted.  Copies of all resolutions and exhibits are available at Township Hall.

2007 Board of Trustees Resolutions

17-99 As Amended  Zoning Amendments Prohibit Recycling Facilities and Transfer Stations
17-99 As Amended  Zoning Amendments Modify Riparian Setback Regulations
17-99 As Amended  Zoning Amendments Supplement Notice of Public Hearings
17-99 As Amended  Zoning Amendments Replace Sign Regulations
31-04 As Amended  Cellular Phone Policy
66-05 As Amended  Landfill Explosive Gas Monitoring Plan Environmental Services
13-06 As Amended  Enterprise Phase II Engineering Services
18-06 As Amended  Reserve at Kensington Planned Residential Development Agreement First Amended
43-06 As Amended  7996 Darrow Construction Change Order Nos. 6-15, inclusive
51-06 As Amended  Twinsburg Veterinary Hospital and Pet Lodge Planned Commercial Development Agreement First Amended
78-06 As Amended  Zoning Moratorium Electronic Signage Extend to 11/01/2007
79-06  Two Regular Monthly Board of Trustees Meetings
96-06 As Amended  False Alarm Billing
01-07  Organizational
01-07 As Amended  Organizational Hire Administrative Assistant
02-07  Township Employee and Official Salaries
02-07 As Amended  Township Employee and Official Salaries Hire Service Assistant
03-07  Robertson Park Construction Administration Services
04-07  Natureworks Grant Application
05-07  Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant Application
06-07  Certify 3.00 Mill Police Levy (Replace)
07-07  Certify 1.00 Mill Policy Levy (Replace)
08-07  Certify 1.14 Mill Policy Levy (Replace)
09-07  Boyle Engineering Services
10-07  Boyle Railroad Crossing Construction Administration Services
11-07  Erwin Geis Park Phase II Landscape Architectural Services
12-07  Erwin Geis Park Phase II Construction Administration Services
13-07  Community Recycling Access Grant Application
14-07  Road Salt
15-07  Submit 3.00 Mill Police Levy (Replace)
16-07  Submit 1.00 Mill Police Levy (Replace)
17-07  Submit 1.14 Mill Police Levy (Replace)
18-07  Heights Phase IV Reconstruction
18-07 As Amended  Heights Phase IV Reconstruction Line Item Reallocation
19-07  Summit County Sheriff's Office Donate Furniture
20-07  Fund Transfer (General to Garbage)
21-07  NOT USED
22-07  Summit County Accept Property
23-07  Then and Now Purchase Orders
24-07  Abstract Driving Records Policy
25-07  Snow Plowing Policy
26-07  7996 Darrow Lease Payments
27-07  Permanent Appropriations
28-07  Zoning Moratorium Planned Residential Developments Extend to 12/31/2007
29-07  Then and Now Purchase Orders
30-07  Robertson Park Construction
30-07 As Amended  Robertson Park Construction Total Cost Reduction 
31-07  9833 Ravenna Road Auction
32-07  Township Hall Use Policy
33-07  NOT USED
34-07  Oppose SB 117; Support Local Cable Franchising Process
35-07  Twinsburg Baseball League Contribution
36-07  Landscaping Services
36-07 As Amended  Landscaping Services Allocate Cost by Year
37-07  Anthony Lane Street Lighting
38-07  Township Property Donate Excess
39-07  Q2 Supplemental Appropriations
40-07  Medical Insurance Policy Renewal
41-07  Health Reimbursement Account Adoption
42-07  Asphalt Roller
43-07  Oppose Cleveland Water Surcharges
44-07  Then and Now Purchase Orders
45-07  Real Estate Transfer
46-07  Local Transportation Improvements Project Grant Application Boyle
47-07  Local Transportation Improvements Project Grant Application Heights Phase VI
48-07  Community Development Block Grant Application Heights Phase VI
49-07  NOT USED
50-07  Local Transportation Improvements Grant Application Liberty/Glenwood Roundabout
51-07  Video Recording Equipment
52-07  Video Broadcasting Equipment
52-07 As Amended  Video Broadcasting Equipment Replace DVD Player
53-07  Old Mill/Stow Speed and Traffic Study
54-07  Then and Now Purchase Orders
55-07  Reserve at Kensington Planned Residential Development Agreement Amendment Process
56-07  Transportation Committee
57-07  NOT USED
58-07  Erwin Geis Park Phase II Construction
59-07  Q3 Supplemental Appropriations
60-07  Solid Waste Management Plan Adoption
61-07  Accept Tax Incentive Review Council Recommendations
62-07  Then and Now Purchase Orders
63-07  Reserve at Kensington Street Lighting Assessment
64-07  Zoning Moratorium Planned Residential Developments Extend to 02/01/2008
65-07  Safety Committee
66-07  Twin Oaks Planned Residential Development Agreement Authorize Litigation
67-07  Moral Claim Payment Authorization
68-07  Salt Treatment
69-07  Storage Tanks
70-07  2008 Accept Amounts and Rates; Certify Necessary Tax Levies
71-07  Holiday Lighting
71-07 As Amended  Holiday Lighting Additional
72-07  Tax Abatement Agreement Assignment Keystone to Bavaria Fuchs
73-07  Erwin Geis Park Phase II Construction
74-07  tabled
75-07  Life Line Appropriation
76-07  City of Twinsburg Donation Winter Wonderland
77-07  Holiday Decorations
78-07  Township Square Tree Removal
79-07  NOT USED
80-07  NOT USED
81-07  Offer Health Insurance to Newly Elected Officials
82-07  Dental Insurance Policy Renewal
82-07 As Amended  Dental Insurance Policy Renewal Cost Reduction
83-07  Fire/EMS Contract Renewal
84-07  Video Franchise Fees
85-07  Independent Professional Auditing (IPA) Firm Contract Extension
86-07  NOT USED
87-07  Robertson Park Construction
88-07  Q4 Supplemental Appropriations
88-07 As Amended  Q4 Supplemental Appropriations Additional
89-07  Elected Official Salaries
90-07  Zoning Moratorium Planned Residential Developments Extend to 03/01/2008
91-07  7996 Darrow Lease Payments 2008
92-07  2008 Temporary Appropriations
93-07  Fund Transfers (various)
94-07  Fund Advances (various)
No #   Darrow/Twinsburg Traffic Signal Request


2007 Joint Economic Development District (JEDD) Board of Directors Resolutions

01-07  2007 Projects Update
02-07  2008 Budget
03-07  2008 Projects
04-07  2007 Budget Amendment
05-07  Scholarship Fund Memorandum of Understanding

2007 Twin-Keystone Water District (TKWD) Board of Trustees Resolutions

01-07  Accounting Services
02-07  Legal Services
03-07  Engineering Services
04-07  Stonewater Disconnection
05-07  Reserve at Kensington Bond Replacement
06-07  Surcharge Rate Adjustment
07-07  Chamberlin Road Endorsement; Norfolk Southern License Application
08-07  Old Mill Road Sublot "A" Plan Approval
09-07  Liberty-Glen Mixed Use Development Easement Acceptance
10-07  Liberty-Glen Mixed Use Development Easement Acceptance
11-07  Liberty-Glen Mixed Use Development Plan Approval
12-07  Rescind Resolution Nos. 09-07, 10-07, and 11-07
13-07  Liberty-Glen Mixed Use Development Easement Acceptance
14-07  Liberty-Glen Mixed Use Development Plan Approval
15-07  Liberty-Glen Mixed Use Development Easement Acceptance
16-07  Willowbrook Phase 6 Plan Approval
17-07  Willowbrook Phase 6 Easement Acceptance
18-07  Public Records Policy
19-07  Customer Billing List Update
20-07  Chamberlin Road Plan Approval
21-07  Chamberlin Road Easement Acceptance
22-07  Appoint Two Trustees - Helen Drouin and Readie Shelton
23-07  Accept Trustee Resignation - Robert Gaines
24-07  Appoint One Trustee - Michael Johnson

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This page was last updated on May 9, 2012.

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