1790 Enterprise Parkway, Twinsburg Ohio 44087 P: 330.425.4497 | F: 330.963.6816
2014 Resolutions
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2014 Resolutions

Below is a list of 2014 board, commission, and committee resolutions.  Digits to the left of the dash refer to the order in which the resolution was introduced, and digits to the right of the dash refer to the year in which the original resolution was acted on.  All resolutions are original except where amendments are noted.  Resolutions are listed by resolution number, with amended resolutions listed after the corresponding original resolution.  Resolutions are amended after the original resolution is acted on, so the order below is not chronological by date.  Prior year resolutions are included on this list only if amended or otherwise acted on in the current year.  Resolutions are posted to this site once acted on at a meeting and signed, usually within a week to two weeks after the date of the meeting.  Resolutions with exhibits are posted for those pertaining to fiscal matters (appropriations, purchase orders, etc.).  Resolutions only (i.e., without exhibits) are posted for all other resolutions.  Copies of all resolutions and exhibits are available Township Hall.  See bottom of page for links to prior year legislation.

2014 Board of Trustees Resolutions

17-99 As Amended  Zoning Amendments Swimming Pools
17-99 As Amended  Zoning Amendments R-3 Residential District
17-99 As Amended  Zoning Amendments R-4 Residential District
11-11 As Amended #2  Metro Regional Transit Authority Direct Billing Memorandum of Understanding
40-12 As Amended  Samuel Steel Pickling Co. (s. of 1400 Ent.) Purchase Agreement Delay Closing
41-12 As Amended #2  Highland SOM Dev. Co. (w. of 8211 Bav.) Purchase Agreement Delay Closing
49-12 As Amended  Moving Ohio Forward Grant Local Share Committment Additional Funding
37-13 As Amended #4  Svc. Dept. Improvement Project Const. Svcs. Change Order No. 5
37-13 As Amended #5  Svc. Dept. Improvement Project Const. Svcs. Change Order Nos. 6 and 7
42-13 As Amended  Herrick Road Reconstruction Project Const. Svcs. Change Order No. 1
46-13 As Amended #2  Hts. Rd. Reconst. Proj. Ph. 7/8/9/10 Const. Svcs. Change Order No. 1
67-13 As Amended  Fagalar Property (1898 Rugby) Demolition Reimb. Agreement Amendment
89-13 As Amended  Hall Property (1595 Twinsburg) Purchase Agreement Closing; Assignment
89-13 As Amended #2  Hall Property (1595 Twinsburg) Purchase Agreement Assignment
93-13 As Amended  Holly Property (1637 Twinsburg) Purchase Agreement Closing; Assignment
93-13 As Amended #2  Holly Property (1637 Twinsburg) Purchase Agreement Assignment
97-13 As Amended  Mason Property (8044 Darrow) Purchase Agreement Closing; Possession; Taxes
01-14  Organizational
01-14 As Amended Organizational Modify Clothing Allowance
01-14 As Amended #2  Organizational Modify Appointments; Modify Clothing Allowance
02-14  Recreation Center Program
02-14 As Amended  Recreation Center Program Remove Powerhouse Twinsburg
02-14 As Amended #2  Recreation Center Program Add Twinsburg Outdoor Water Park
02-14 As Amended #3  Recreation Center Program Add Titan's Gym
03-14  Senior Center Program
04-14  Senior Transportation Program
05-14  Legal Services
06-14  Q1 Purchase Orders
06-14 As Amended  Q1 Purchase Orders Additional
06-14 As Amended #2  Q1 Purchase Orders Additional
06-14 As Amended #3  Q1 Purchase Orders Additional
06-14 As Amended #4  Q1 Purchase Orders Additional
07-14  Additional Appropriations (Reallocations - General)
08-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders
09-14  ODOT Cooperative Purchasing Program Participation
10-14  Summit Soil & Water Conservation District Memorandum of Understanding
11-14  Brandywine Creek Watershed Balanced Growth Plan Support and Participation
12-14  Summit Akron Solid Waste Management Authority Plan Adoption
13-14  Clean Ohio Trails Fund and/or Recreational Trails Program Grant Application
14-14  Clean Ohio Conservation Fund Grant Application Holly Phase III
15-14  Clean Ohio Conservation Fund Grant Support Tinkers Creek Greenway Expansion
16-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders
17-14  Additional Appropriations (Reallocations - General)
18-14  Jeffers Property ([no address] Rugby) Purchase Agreement
19-14  McElroy Property (1917 Stanford) Purchase Agreement
19-14 As Amended  McElroy Property (1917 Stanford) Purchase Agreement Waiver
19-14 As Amended #2  McElroy Property (1917 Stanford) Purchase Agreement Delay Closing
19-14 As Amended #3  McElroy Property (1917 Stanford) Purchase Agreement Delay Closing
19-14 As Amended #4  McElroy Property (1917 Stanford Purchase Agreement Delay Closing 
20-14  Fund Transfer (General to Garbage)
21-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - Road and Bridge)
22-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders
23-14  Road Program
24-14  Chlebina Property ([no address] Oxford) Purchase Agreement
25-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders
26-14  Hill Property ([no address] Stanford) Purchase Agreement
27-14  Surface Water Improvement Fund Grant Application 7996 Darrow Parking Lot
28-14  Community Garden Program
29-14  Permanent Appropriations
30-14  Q2 Purchase Orders
30-14 As Amended  Q2 Purchase Orders Additional
30-14 As Amended #2  Q2 Purchase Orders Additional
30-14 As Amended #3  Q2 Purchase Orders Additional
30-14 As Amended #4  Q2 Purchase Orders Additional 
30-14 As Amended #5  Q2 Purchase Orders Additional 
31-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders
32-14  Fund Transfer (General to Police)
33-14  Western Reserve Land Conservancy Service Agreement
34-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General)
35-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders
36-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General and Gasoline Tax)
37-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders
38-14  Purchasing Policy Amendments Then and Now Purchase Order Threshold
39-14  Steffan Woods Phase 1 Street Lighting Assessment District
40-14  Summit County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Adoption
41-14  Land Reutilization Program (Land Bank) Policies
42-14  Delinquent Land Acquisition Selection
43-14  Evans Property (1986 Stanford) Purchase Agreement
44-14  Marwell Estates Road Reconstruction Project Phase 2 County Engineer Review Request
45-14  Marwell Estates Road Reconstruction Project Phase 3 County Engineer Review Request
46-14  Marwell Estates Road Reconstruction Project Phase 4 County Engineer Review Request
47-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General)
48-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders
49-14  Community Recycling Access Grant Memorandum of Understanding
50-14  Lake Erie Protection Fund Grant Application Twinsburg Road Property Stormwater Restoration
51-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General) 
52-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders 
53-14  Janitorial Services 
54-14  Brooks Property (1507 Twinsburg) Purchase Agreement 
55-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders
56-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General and Road and Bridge)
57-14  Oldham Property ([no address] Buchtel Purchase Agreement 
58-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General, Gasoline Tax, and Road and Bridge)  
59-14  Fund Transfer (General to Garbage)  
60-14  Q3 Purchase Orders  
60-14 As Amended  Q3 Purchase Orders Additional
60-14 As Amended #2  Q3 Purchase Orders Additional
60-14 As Amended #3  Q3 Purchase Orders Additional
60-14 As Amended #4  Q3 Purchase Orders Additional 
60-14 As Amended #5  Q3 Purchase Orders Additional 
61-14  International 4400 Dump Chassis  
62-14  International 4400 Dump Body and Equipment  
62-14 As Amended  International 4400 Dump Body and Equipment Reallocate Purchase Order 
63-14  Accept Tax Incentive Review Council Recommendations   
64-14  Ridgetop Estates Subdivision No. 1 Street Lighting Assessment District  
65-14  Local Transportation Improvement Program Grant Application Marwell Phase 2  
66-14  Local Transportation Improvement Program Grant Application Marwell Phase 3  
67-14  Local Transportation Improvement Program Grant Application Marwell Phase 4  
68-14  Section 319 Program Grant Application 
69-14  Steffan Woods Planned Residential Development Agreement Amendments Various  
70-14  Children's Garden Memorandum of Understanding  
71-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General and Road and Bridge)  
72-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders 
73-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General) 
74-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders 
75-14  Summit Kids Month Declaration 
76-14  Public Records Training Authorization 
77-14  Community Development Block Grant Application
78-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General and Gas Tax)
79-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders 
80-14  Success Property ([no address] Stanford Purchase Agreement
81-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General, Road and Bridge, Permissive MV)
82-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders
83-14  Residential Solid Waste Disposal and Recycling Services Contract Addendum
84-14  Policing Contract
85-14  Natureworks Grant Application
86-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General and Ambulance & EMS)
87-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders
88-14  Special Assessments
89-14  Fund Transfers (General to Garbage; General to Police)
89-14 As Amended  Fund Transfers (General to Garbage; General to Road and Bridge)
90-14  Fagalar Property (1898 Rugby) Purchase Agreement
91-14  Mitchell Property (1992 Stanford) Foreclosure Authorization
92-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General, Gas Tax, Police, Fire, and Fire/EMS)
93-14  Q4 Purchase Orders
93-14 As Amended  Q4 Purchase Orders Additional
93-14 As Amended #2  Q4 Purchase Orders Additional 
93-14 As Amended #3  Q4 Purchase Orders Additional 
93-14 As Amended #4  Q4 Purchase Orders Additional 
93-14 As Amended #5 Purchase Orders Additional 
94-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders 
95-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders 
96-14  Gilmore Property ([no address] Buchtel) Purchase Agreement 
97-14  Peacock Property ([no address] Eton) Purchase Agreement 
98-14  Summit County Land Bank Discretionary Fund Grant Application 
99-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General) 
100-14  Christmas Tree Lease Agreement
101-14  Summit County Sales Tax Increase Support
102-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General and Motor Vehicle License Tax) 
103-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders 
104-14  2015 Accept Amounts and Rates; Certify Necessary Tax Levies 
105-14  2015 Advancement of Funds 
106-14  Marquis Property ([no address] Cambridge) Purchase Agreement 
107-14  Williams Property ([no address] Stanford) Purchase Agreement 
108-14  Carron Asphalt Paving, Inc. Settlement Agreement 
109-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - MV License, Road and Bridge, Permissive MV) 
110-14  2014-2015 Medical Insurance Policy 
110-14 As Amended  2014-2015 Medical Insurance Policy Reduce Premium; Add Second Vendor
111-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General and Road and Bridge) 
112-14  Fund Transfers (General to Road and Bridge; General to Police) 
113-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders 
114-14  Delinquent Land Acquisition Selection 
115-14  Moore Property ([no address] Oxford and Cambridge) Purchase Agreement 
116-14  NDS Property ([no address] Stanford) Purchase Agreement 
117-14  HYD Property (1595 Twinsburg) Purchase Agreement
118-14  HYD Property (1637 Twinsburg) Purchase Agreement 
119-14  Malott Property (1561 Twinsburg) Purchase Agreement 
120-14  Ruffin Property (1571 Twinsburg) Purchase Agreement
121-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General, Gasoline Tax, and Road and Bridge)
122-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders
123-14  Clean Ohio Conservation Fund Grant Application Holly Phase IV
124-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General)
125-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders
126-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General and Road and Bridge)
127-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders
128-14  Fund Transfer (General to Garbage)
129-14  2015 Temporary Appropriations
130-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General and Bavaria Park)
131-14  Additional Appropriations (Supplementals - General); Township Manager Employment

2014 Board of Zoning Appeals Resolutions

05-13  8035 Darrow Road/Circle K - Conditional Use 
01-14  1665 Enterprise Parkway/H B Chemical - Sign Variances  
02-14  2783 Pine Trails Circle/Lovett - Area Variances  
03-14  8564 Ravenna Road/Britons In America Club - Area Variances  
04-14  7990 Bavaria Road/Atlas Steel - Area Variance  
05-14  2668 Old Mill Road/Eppele - Area Variance 

2014 Joint Economic Development District Board of Directors Resolutions
01-13 As Amended  2014 Budget Amendment
01-14  JOIN Agreement Churchill Steel Plate Ltd.
02-14  2015 Budget
03-14  2015 Projects
2014 Twin-Keystone Water District Board of Trustees Resolutions
01-14  Purchase Orders
02-14  Purchase Orders
03-14  Surcharge Clarification  
04-14  Appropriation Budget Amendment 1  
05-14  Purchase Orders  
06-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders
07-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders  
08-14  Appropriation Budget Amendment 2  
09-14  Then and Now Purchase Orders  
10-14  Purchase Orders  
11-14  2015 Revenue Budget  
12-14  2015 Appropriation Budget  
13-14  District Boundary Adjustment Agreement with City of Twinsburg  
14-14  2015 Legal Services  
15-14  2015 Engineering Services 
16-14  2015 Depository Services
Return to Resolutions 
This page was last updated on January 15, 2015.
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