1790 Enterprise Parkway, Twinsburg Ohio 44087 P: 330.425.4497 | F: 330.963.6816
2006 Resolutions
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2006 Resolutions

Below is a list of 2006 board, commission, and committee resolutions.  Digits to the left of the dash refer to the order in which the resolution was introduced, and digits to the right of the dash refer to the year in which the original resolution was acted on.  All resolutions are original except where amendments are noted.  Resolutions are listed by resolution number, with amended resolutions listed after the corresponding original resolution.  Resolutions are amended after the original resolution is acted on, so the order below is not chronological by date.  Prior year resolutons are included on this list only if amended or otherwise acted on in the current year.  Resolutions are posted to this site once acted on at a meeting and signed, usually within a week to two weeks after the date of the meeting.  Resolutions only (i.e., without exhibits) are posted.  Copies of all resolutions and exhibits are available at Township Hall.

2006 Board of Trustees Resolutions

114-96 As Amended  Weed Control
17-99  As Amended  Zoning Amendments Commercial Districts
66-03  As Amended  Fuchs Lubricants Enterprise Zone Agreement  
43-04  As Amended  Maval Manufacturing Inc., Enterprise Zone Agreement
48-05  As Amended  Heights Phases I, II, and III Reconstruction Change Orders 2nd Additional
48-05  As Amended  Heights Phases I, II, and III Reconstruction Change Orders 3rd Additional
48-05  As Amended  Heights Phases I, II, and III Reconstruction Change Orders 4th Additional
69-05  As Amended  Eminent Domain Authorization
83-05  As Amended  Fire/EMS Contract Renewal
84-05  As Amended  Policing Contract Renewal
01-06  Organizational
01-06  As Amended  Organizational Modify Uniform Policy
02-06  Township Employee and Official Salaries
02-06  As Amended  Township Employee and Officials Salaries Hire Service Assistant
03-06  Then and Now Purchase Orders
04-06  Tax Incentive Review Council Appointments
05-06  Architectural Review Board
06-06  Then and Now Purchase Orders
07-06  Enterprise Zone Agreement Technoform
07-06  As Amended  Enterprise Zone Agreement Technoform Change Owner
08-06  Enterprise Zone Agreement Kimble Denial
08-06  As Amended  Enterprise Zone Agreement Kimble Denial Termination
09-06  Hire Part Time Service Assistant
10-06  Then and Now Purchase Orders
11-06  Permanent Appropriations
12-06  Then and Now Purchase Orders
13-06  Enterprise Phase II Engineering  Services
14-06  Heights Phase IV Engineering Services
15-06  Then and Now Purchase Orders
16-06  Medical Insurance Policy Renewal
17-06  Landscaping Maintenance Services
18-06  Reserve at Kensington Planned Residential Development Agreement
19-06  Estimation of Active, Inactive, and Interim Deposits
19-06  As Amended  Estimation of Active, Inactive, and Interim Deposits Add Dates
20-06  Invitation of Bids for Deposit of Township Funds
21-06  Fund Transfers (General to Police)
22-06  Supplemental Appropriations (General)
23-06  Local Transportation Improvements Project Grant Application Heights Phase V
24-06  Local Transportation Improvements Project Grant Application Enterprise Phase II
25-06  Zoning Violation Mirgliotta County Prosecutor Assistance
26-06  Holiday Schedule Add Days
27-06  Stonewater Local Conservation Organization Support
28-06  Depository Agreement Liberty
29-06  Twinsburg Road (CalHOW, LLC) Property Sale/Purchase Agreement
30-06  NOT USED
31-06  Ohio EPA Appeal Kimble
32-06  Supplemental Appropriations (Road and Bridge)
33-06  Clean Ohio Conservation Fund Grant Agreement Holly Smith
34-06  Katz Road (Holly Smith) Property Purchase Agreement
35-06  Clean Ohio Conservation Fund Grant Application Holly Phase II
36-06  Certify 0.9 Mill Garbage Levy (Additional)
37-06  Fund Transfers (General to Heights I, Heights II, and Heights III)
38-06  Supplement Appropriations (various)
39-06  Then and Now Purchase Orders
40-06  Submit 0.9 Mill Garbage Levy (additional)
41-06  Vacate Stonewater Planned Residential Development Agreement
42-06  Then and Now Purchase Orders
43-06  7996 Darrow Road Contstruction Agreement
43-06  As Amended  7996 Darrow Road Construction Agreement 
44-06  Rescind Eminent Domain Authorization in Resolution No. 69-05
45-06  NOT USED
46-06  NOT USED
47-06  Support Salvation Army
48-06  7996 Darrow Road Lease Agreement First Amended
49-06  Then and Now Purchase Orders
50-06  Then and Now Purchase Orders
51-06  Twinsburg Veterinary Hospital and Pet Lodge Planned Commercial Development Agreement
52-06  Then and Now Purchase Orders
53-06  Darrow/Twinsburg Road Traffic Study County Engineer Assistance
54-06  NOT USED
55-06  2007 Accept Amounts and Rates; Certify Necessary Tax Levies
56-06  Pine Trails Road Repairs
56-06  As Amended  Pine Trails Road Repairs
57-06  Estate/McCausland Emergency Road Repairs
58-06  Boyle Railroad Crossing (Norfolk Southern) Construction Agreement
59-06  7996 Darrow Road Early Payoff Fund
60-06  Hire Secretary
61-06  Establish/Hire Parks & Recreation Department/Director  TABLED
62-06  Hire Animal Control Officer  TABLED
63-06  Hire Deputy Fiscal Officer 
64-06  Hire Part Time Law Director
65-06  Depository Agreement Implementation
66-06  Winter Wonderland Donation
67-06  Annual Business Meeting Luncheon Expense Authorization
68-06  Purchase DeIcer
69-06  Supplemental Appropriations (various)
70-06  Fund Transfers (General to Heights I, Heights II, and Heights III)
71-06  Special Meeting Requirements  TABLED
72-06  Regular Meeting Requirements  TABLED
73-06  Trustee Meetings Video Recording
74-06  Annual Budget Meeting
75-06  Emergency Meeting Requirements  TABLED
76-06  7996 Darrow Road Property Annual Appropriations Lease
77-06  7996 Darrow Road Property Naming
78-06  Zoning Moratorium Electronic Signage
79-06  Two Regular Meetings per Month  TABLED
80-06  Supplemental Appropriations (Road and Bridge)
81-06  Residential Solid Waste Disposal and Recycling Services Contract
82-06  Juvenile Diversion Program
83-06  Supplemental Appropriations (various)
84-06  NOT USED
85-06  Then and Now Purchase Orders
86-06  2007 Temporary Appropriations
87-06  Darrow Road Speed Study ODOT Assistance
88-06  Darrow/Twinsburg Road Traffic Signal ODOT Assistance  TABLED

2006 Joint Economic Development District (JEDD) Board of Directors Resolutions

01-06  Honoring and Thanking Gregory Glover
02-06  2007 Budget
03-06  2007 Projects

2006 Twin-Keystone Water District (TKWD) Board of Trustees Resolutions

01-06  Willowbrook Phases 4 and 7 Plan Approval
02-06  Accounting Services
03-06  Legal Services
04-06  Engineering Services
05-06  Willowbrook Phases 4 and 7 Easement Acceptance
06-06  Willowbrook Phases 4 and 7 Easement Acceptance
07-06  Heights Phases 1 and 2 Engineer Review Authorization
08-06  Willowbrook Phase 5 Plan Approal
09-06  Crosswind Court Plan Approval
10-06  Crosswind Court Easement Acceptance
11-06  Officers
12-06  Reserve at Kensington Plan Approval
13-06  Reserve at Kensington Easement Acceptance
14-06  Appoint Three Trustees - Muti Aziz, Elaine Green, and Gregory Glover
15-06  Rescind Resolution No. 12-03
16-06  Rescind Resolution No. 19-04
17-06  Rescind Resolution No. 13-03
18-06  Rescind Resolution No. 20-04
19-06  Relocate Headquarters; Building Lease Agreement
20-06  Change of Name and Location Petition Authorization
21-06  2999 Old Mill Road Connection Authorization

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This page was last updated on May 9, 2012.

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