1790 Enterprise Parkway, Twinsburg Ohio 44087 P: 330.425.4497 | F: 330.963.6816
2018 Resolutions
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Below is a list of 2018 board, commission, and committee resolutions. Digits to the left of the dash refer to the order in which the resolution was introduced, and digits to the right of the dash refer to the year in which the original resolution was acted on. All resolutions are original except where amendments are noted. Resolutions are listed by resolution number, with amended resolutions listed after the corresponding original resolution. Resolutions are amended after the original resolution is acted on, so the order below is not chronological by date. Prior year resolutions are included on this list only if amended or otherwise acted on in the current year. Resolutions are posted to this site once acted on at a meeting and signed, usually within a week to two weeks after the date of the meeting. Resolutions with exhibits are posted for those pertaining to fiscal matters (appropriations, purchase orders, etc.). Resolutions only (i.e., without exhibits) are posted for all other resolutions. Copies of all resolutions and exhibits are available Township Hall. See bottom of page for links to prior year legislation. 
2018 Board of Trustees Resolutions

17-99  Zoning Resolution text amendments  
17-99  Zoning Resolution (Rezoning Liberty Road) 
41-14 As Amended  Land Reutilization Policy (Landbank) 
112-13 As Amended  SC Combined Public Health MOU  
33-16 As Amended #2  White Property (no address; Rugby) Purchase Agreement 
33-16 As Amended #3  White Property (no address; Rugby) Purchase Agreement 
33-16 As Amended #4  White Property (no address; Rugby) Purchase Agreement  
57-16 As Amended  Depository Agreement  
78-16  As Amended  Brokerage Agreement (Enterprise) 
15-17 As Amended #2  Marwell Estates Allotment Road Reconstruction Phase II 
46-17 As Amended #4  Property Sale (no address - Old Mill Road)  
56-17 As Amended  Hadden Road Reconstruction   
01-18  Organizational
01-18 As Amended  Organizational 
01-18 As Amended #2  Organizational 
01-18 As Amended #3  Organizational 
01-18 As Amended #4  Organizational  
02-18  Recreation Center Program
02-18 As Amended  Recreation Center Program 
03-18  Senior Center Program
04-18  Senior Transportation Program
05-18  Legal Services 
06-18  Q1 Purchase Orders
07-18  Community Garden Program
08-18  Intent to Sell - Internet Auctions
09-18  Purchase Orders  
10-18  Appropriations (Reallocation)  
11-18  Then and Now Purchase Orders  
12-18  Summit County Agreement (Marwell III and IV sewers) 
13-18  Marbury Property Purchase Agreement (no address Marwell) 
14-18  Certify 1.8mill Police Levy (additional) 
15-18  Certify 2.8mill Police Levy (additional)  
16-18  Certify 6.0mill Police Levy (additional) 
17-18  Submit 2.8mill Police Levy (additional) 
18-18  Appropriations (Reallocation)  
19-18  Purchase Orders  
20-18  Then and Now Purchase Orders  
21-18  Fund Transfer (GF to Police) 
22-18  Appropriations (Supplemental) 
23-18  Advancement of Funds (GF to Hadden)  
24-18  Purchase Orders  
25-18  Then and Now Purchase Orders  
26-18  ODOT Cooperative Purchasing Participation 
27-18  Preliminary State Infrastructure Bank Term Sheet  
28-18  Marwell Estates Allotment Project Phases III and IV 
28-18 As Amended  Marwell Estates Allotment Project Phases III and IV 
29-18  Drees Purchase Agreement (Marwell lots)
30-18  Permanent Appropriations  
31-18  Purchase Orders  
32-18  Then and Now Purchase Orders
33-18  Appropriations (supplemental)  
34-18  Purchase Orders  
35-18  Then and Now Purchase Orders  
36-18  Heights Allotment Reconstruction Project Phases 11, 12, and 13  
37-18  Summit County Engineer Road Program  
38-18  Hadden Road Street Lighting Agreement 
39-18  State Infrastructure Bank Loan (ODOT)  
40-18  Summit County Land Bank Application  
41-18  Appropriations (supplemental)  
42-18  Purchase Orders  
43-18  Then and Now Purchase Orders 
44-18  International 4400 Chassis  
45-18  International 4400 Dump Body & Equipment  
46-18  Dominion Line Extension Agreement (Marwell)  
47-18  Sale of Property  
48-18  Public Records Training Authorization  
50-18  Second Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Purchase Agreement (Buchtel Street) 
51-18  Then and Now Purchase Orders 
52-18  Drees Indemnity Agreement (Marwell lots) 
53-18  Appropriations (supplemental)  
54-18  Purchase Orders  
55-18  Then and Now Purchase Orders  
56-18  Purchase Branch Chipper (Vermeer)  
57-18  Sale of Property 
58-18  Appropriations (reallocation)  
59-18  Purchase Orders  
60-18  Then and Now Purchase Orders 
61-18  Retreat at Liberty Lakes Planned Residential Development  
62-18  Appropriations (reallocation)  
63-18  Purchase Orders  
64-18  Then and Now Purchase Orders  
65-18  NOPEC Energized Community Grant  
66-18  Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Agreement  
67-18  OPWC Grant Application - Heights Allotment Phase 14  
68-18  OPWC Grant Application - Heights Allotment Phase 15 
69-18  Then and Now Purchase Order 
70-18  Appropriations (supplemental)  
71-18  Purchase Orders  
72-18  Then and Now Purchase Orders 
73-18  Property Purchase (1884 Buchtel Street)  
74-18  Property Sale (v/l Buchtel Street)
75-18  Appropriations (supplemental)  
76-18  Ravenna Road Emergency Demolition  
77-18  Limited Home Rule (Rescinded 09/05/2018)  
78-18  Appropriations (supplemental)  
79-18  Purchase Orders  
80-18  Appropriations (supplemental)  
81-18  Then and Now Purchase Orders 
82-18  Special Assessments  
83-18  Diamonds in the Outfield Memorandum of Understanding  
84-18  Property Foreclosure  
85-18  Delinquent Tax Foreclosure  
86-18  Property Purchase Agreement (K. Hovnanian of Ohio)  
86-18  As Amended Property Purchase Agreement (K. Hovnanion of Ohio) 
87-18  Appropriations (supplemental)  
88-18  Purchase Orders   
89-18  Purchase Orders  
90-18 Then and Now Purchase Orders  
91-18  Appropriations (supplemental)  
92-18  Appropriations (supplemental)  
93-18  Purchase Orders  
94-18  Transfer of Funds (GF to R & B; GF to Police) 
95-18  Tax Incentive Review Council Recommendation 
96-18  2019 Accepting Amounts and Rates; Certify Necessary Tax Levies
97-18  2019 Advancement of Funds  
98-18  Land & Water Conservation Fund Grant Application  
99-18  Medical Insurance renewal (2018-2019) 
99-18 As Amended  Medical Insurance renewal (2018-2019)  
99-18 As Amended #2  Medical Insurance renewal (2018-2019)  
100-18  Then and Now Purchase Orders  
101-18  SC Children Services Levy Support  
102-18  Appropriations (supplemental) 
103-18  Purchase Orders 
104-18  Then and Now Purchases 
105-18  Property Purchase Agreement Jackson/Brown (1904 Stanford) 
106-18  Appropriations (reallocation) 
107-18  Purchase Orders  
108-18  Then and Now Purchases  
109-18  Dental Insurance renewal (2019) 
110-18  Life Insurance renewal (2019) 
111-18  Vision Insurance renewal (2019 - 2020)
112-18  Appropriations (supplemental)  
113-18  Purchase Orders  
114-18  Then and Now Purchases  
115-18  Temporary Appropriations (2019)  
116-18  Township Manager Employment Agreement  

2018 Board of Zoning Appeals Resolutions
01-18  2462 Old Mill Road, Area/Garage Variance 
02-18  Marwell / Myrna, Sign Variance 
2018 Joint Economic Development District Board of Directors Resolutions

01-18  AOS Audit (2016 - 2021)  
02-18  2019 JEDD Budget
02-18 As Amended  2019 JEDD Budget  
03-18  2019 JEDD Projects 
04-18  JOIN Agreement (relink Medical)   

2018 Twin-Keystone Water District Board of Trustees Resolutions 

01-18  Purchase Orders  
02-18  Intent to Sell - Internet Auctions 
03-18  District Map 
04-18  Then and Now purchase orders 
05-18  Appropriations 
06-18  Purchase Orders 
07-18  Then and Now purchase orders 
08-18  Then and Now purchase orders 
09-18  Revenue Budget 2019  
10-18  Appropriations Budget 2019 
11-18  Legal Services 2019  
12-18  Engineering Services 2019 
13-18  Depository Services 2019 

Prior Year Resolutions 


This page was last updated on January 3, 2019.

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