17-99 Zoning Resolution text amendments
17-99 Zoning Resolution (Rezoning Liberty Road)
41-14 As Amended Land Reutilization Policy (Landbank)
02-18 Recreation Center Program
03-18 Senior Center Program
04-18 Senior Transportation Program
05-18 Legal Services
07-18 Community Garden Program
08-18 Intent to Sell - Internet Auctions
10-18 Appropriations (Reallocation)
11-18 Then and Now Purchase Orders
12-18 Summit County Agreement (Marwell III and IV sewers)
13-18 Marbury Property Purchase Agreement (no address Marwell)
14-18 Certify 1.8mill Police Levy (additional)
15-18 Certify 2.8mill Police Levy (additional)
16-18 Certify 6.0mill Police Levy (additional)
17-18 Submit 2.8mill Police Levy (additional)
18-18 Appropriations (Reallocation)
20-18 Then and Now Purchase Orders
21-18 Fund Transfer (GF to Police)
22-18 Appropriations (Supplemental)
23-18 Advancement of Funds (GF to Hadden)
25-18 Then and Now Purchase Orders
26-18 ODOT Cooperative Purchasing Participation
27-18 Preliminary State Infrastructure Bank Term Sheet
28-18 Marwell Estates Allotment Project Phases III and IV
29-18 Drees Purchase Agreement (Marwell lots)
30-18 Permanent Appropriations
32-18 Then and Now Purchase Orders
33-18 Appropriations (supplemental)
35-18 Then and Now Purchase Orders
36-18 Heights Allotment Reconstruction Project Phases 11, 12, and 13
37-18 Summit County Engineer Road Program
38-18 Hadden Road Street Lighting Agreement
39-18 State Infrastructure Bank Loan (ODOT)
40-18 Summit County Land Bank Application
41-18 Appropriations (supplemental)
43-18 Then and Now Purchase Orders
44-18 International 4400 Chassis
45-18 International 4400 Dump Body & Equipment
46-18 Dominion Line Extension Agreement (Marwell)
48-18 Public Records Training Authorization
50-18 Second Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Purchase Agreement (Buchtel Street)
51-18 Then and Now Purchase Orders
52-18 Drees Indemnity Agreement (Marwell lots)
53-18 Appropriations (supplemental)
55-18 Then and Now Purchase Orders
56-18 Purchase Branch Chipper (Vermeer)
58-18 Appropriations (reallocation)
60-18 Then and Now Purchase Orders
61-18 Retreat at Liberty Lakes Planned Residential Development
62-18 Appropriations (reallocation)
64-18 Then and Now Purchase Orders
65-18 NOPEC Energized Community Grant
66-18 Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Agreement
67-18 OPWC Grant Application - Heights Allotment Phase 14
68-18 OPWC Grant Application - Heights Allotment Phase 15
69-18 Then and Now Purchase Order
70-18 Appropriations (supplemental)
72-18 Then and Now Purchase Orders
73-18 Property Purchase (1884 Buchtel Street)
74-18 Property Sale (v/l Buchtel Street)
75-18 Appropriations (supplemental)
76-18 Ravenna Road Emergency Demolition
77-18 Limited Home Rule
(Rescinded 09/05/2018) 78-18 Appropriations (supplemental)
80-18 Appropriations (supplemental)
81-18 Then and Now Purchase Orders
82-18 Special Assessments
83-18 Diamonds in the Outfield Memorandum of Understanding
84-18 Property Foreclosure
85-18 Delinquent Tax Foreclosure
86-18 Property Purchase Agreement (K. Hovnanian of Ohio)
87-18 Appropriations (supplemental)
90-18 Then and Now Purchase Orders
91-18 Appropriations (supplemental)
92-18 Appropriations (supplemental)
94-18 Transfer of Funds (GF to R & B; GF to Police)
95-18 Tax Incentive Review Council Recommendation
96-18 2019 Accepting Amounts and Rates; Certify Necessary Tax Levies
97-18 2019 Advancement of Funds
98-18 Land & Water Conservation Fund Grant Application
99-18 Medical Insurance renewal (2018-2019)
100-18 Then and Now Purchase Orders
101-18 SC Children Services Levy Support
102-18 Appropriations (supplemental)
105-18 Property Purchase Agreement Jackson/Brown (1904 Stanford)
106-18 Appropriations (reallocation)
109-18 Dental Insurance renewal (2019)
110-18 Life Insurance renewal (2019)
111-18 Vision Insurance renewal (2019 - 2020)
112-18 Appropriations (supplemental)
115-18 Temporary Appropriations (2019)
116-18 Township Manager Employment Agreement