1790 Enterprise Parkway, Twinsburg Ohio 44087 P: 330.425.4497 | F: 330.963.6816
2010 Resolutions
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2010 Resolutions

Below is a list of 2010 board, commission, and committee resolutions.  Digits to the left of the dash refer to the order in which the resolution was introduced, and digits to the right of the dash refer to the year in which the original resolution was acted on.  All resolutions are original except where amendments are noted.  Resolutions are listed by resolution number, with amended resolutions listed after the corresponding original resolution.  Resolutions are amended after the original resolution is acted on, so the order below is not chronological by date.  Prior year resolutons are included on this list only if amended or otherwise acted on in the current year.  Resolutions are posted to this site once acted on at a meeting and signed, usually within a week to two weeks after the date of the meeting.  Resolutions only (i.e., without exhibits) are posted.  Copies of all resolutions and exhibits are available at Township Hall.

2010 Board of Trustees Resolutions


17-99 As Amended  Zoning Amendments Conditional Use Requirements
17-99 As Amended  Zoning Amendments Board of Zoning Appeals Requirements and Standards
11-08 As Amended  Public Records Policy Statutory Amendments
21-08 As Amended #2  Heights Phase V Change Order No. 1
03-09 As Amended #6  Zoning Moratorium Commercial Recreation Uses Extend to 03/05/2010
25-09 As Amended #2  Park Fertilization Robertson Park Additional
25-09 As Amended #3  Park Fertilization Calculation Error
48-09 As Amended #2  Janitorial Services Change Location
72-09 As Amended #3  1790 Enterprise Architectural Services Additional
84-09 As Amended  Bavaria Construction Change Order No. 1
84-09 As Amended #2  Bavaria Construction Change Order No. 2
84-09 As Amended #3  Bavaria Construction Change Order No. 3
89-09 As Amended  Burton Property (Harvard) Purchase Agreement Extend Due Diligence Period
98-09 As Amended #3  1790 Enterprise Phase I Construction Change Order No. 3
98-09 As Amended #4  1790 Enterprise Phase I Construction Change Order No. 4
98-09 As Amended #5  1790 Enterprise Phase I Construction Change Order No. 4 Reduced
98-09 As Amended #6  1790 Enterprise Construction Change Order No. 5
138-09 As Amended  WTRP Property (1679 Twinsburg) Phase II ESA Services
01-10  Organizational
01-10 As Amended  Organizational Add Law Director
01-10 As Amended #2  Organizational Add Video Operator
01-10 As Amended #3  Organizational New Meeting Format
01-10 As Amended #4  Organizational Assign Zoning Inspector Duties
01-10 As Amended #5  Organizational Hire Code Enforcement Officer
01-10 As Amended #6  Organizational Hire Service Assistant

02-10  Township Manager Employment
03-10  Law Director Employment
04-10  Recreation Program
04-10 As Amended  Recreation Program Add Redwood Swim Club
05-10  Then and Now Purchase Orders
06-10  Q1 Purchase Orders
06-10 As Amended  Q1 Purchase Orders Additional
06-10 As Amended #2  Q1 Purchase Orders Additional
06-10 As Amended #3  Q1 Purchase Orders Additional
06-10 As Amended #4  Q1 Purchase Orders Additional
07-10  Supplemental Appropriations (General)
08-10  1790 Enterprise Phase II Alt. A Construction General Trades
08-10 As Amended  1790 Enterprise Phase II Construction General Trades Change Order No. 1
08-10 As Amended #2  1790 Enterprise Phase II Construction General Trades Change Order No. 1+
08-10 As Amended #3  1790 Enterprise Phase II Construction General Trades Change Order No. 2
08-10 As Amended #4  1790 Enterprise Phase II Construction General Trades Change Order No. 3
09-10  1790 Enterprise Phase II Construction Electrical
10-10  JEDD Area Bus Shelter Architectural Services
11-10  Heights Phases VII and VIII Engineering Services Additional
12-10  Township Forester Services
13-10  International 4400 Dump Body and Equipment
14-10  Ford F550 Dump Body and Equipment
15-10  Then and Now Purchase Orders
16-10  Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Application
17-10  Surface Water Improvement Fund Grant Application
18-10  Natureworks Grant Application
19-10  Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant Application
20-10  Oppose Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) Stormwater Fees
20-10 As Amended  Oppose NEORSD Stormwater Fees (Joint Representation Agreement)
21-10  Scag Turf Tiger Mower
22-10 NOT USED
23-10  Heights Phases IX and X Engineering Services Additional
24-10  Voice Mail/Telephone System
24-10 As Amended  Voice Mail/Telephone System Additional
25-10  1790 Enterprise Access Management System
26-10  Relocation Services
27-10  9833 Ravenna Appraisal Services
28-10  Community Recycling Access Grant Application
29-10  Then and Now Purchase Orders
30-10  Fund Transfers (General to Garbage; General to Police)
31-10  8776 Harvard Property (WROC) and Burton Property (Harvard) Phase I ESA Services
32-10  Flat Bed Trailer
32-10 As Amended  Flat Bed Trailer Additional
33-10  Policy Manual Amendments Overtime Calculation
34-10  8776 Harvard Property (WROC) Architectural Sevices
35-10  Time Warner Cable Public Education Government Channel Selection
36-10  Marwell Estates Allotment Engineering Services
37-10  9833 Ravenna Surveying Services
38-10  9833 Ravenna Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Services
38-10 As Amended  9833 Ravenna Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Services
39-10  Permanent Appropriations 
40-10  Q2 Purchase Orders
40-10 As Amended  Q2 Purchase Orders Additional
40-10 As Amended #2  Q2 Purchase Orders Additional
40-10 As Amended #3  Q2 Purchase Orders Additional
40-10 As Amended #4  Q2 Purchase Orders Additional
40-10 As Amended #5  Q2 Purchase Orders Additional
41-10  Then and Now Purchase Orders
42-10  Township and JEDD Area Boundary Signs
43-10  Park Tree Planting
44-10  Then and Now Purchase Orders
45-10  Vision Insurance Policy Renewal 
46-10  Landscaping Maintenance Services
47-10  DRIG, Inc. Property (Darrow/Estate/McCausland) Purchase Agreement
48-10  DENY, LLC Property (7838 Darrow) Purchase Agreement
49-10  Michael D. Baker Property (east of 1910 Marwell) Purchase Agreement
50-10  Darrow Property Appraisal Services
51-10  Darrow Property Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Services
52-10  Fund Transfers (General to Garbage; General to Police)
53-10  Supplemental Appropriations (General; Pine Trails)
54-10  Then and Now Purchase Orders
55-10  WTRP Property (1679 Twinsburg) Demolition Services
55-10 As Amended  WTRP Property (1679 Twinsburg) Demolition Services Additional
56-10  Darrow Property Surveying Services
57-10  Bond Counsel
58-10  Summit County Port Authority Settlement Agreement
59-10  Metro Regional Transit Authority Bus Passenger Shelter Memorandum of Understanding
60-10  Senior Program
60-10 As Amended  Senior Program Add Solon Senior Center
60-10 As Amended #2  Senior Program Add Aurora Senior Center
61-10  9833 Ravenna Brokerage Services
62-10  7996 Darrow Lease Agreement
63-10  Medical Insurance Policy Renewal
64-10  Janitorial Services
64-10 As Amended  Janitorial Services Add Location
65-10  Wireless Telephone Services
66-10  Then and Now Purchase Orders
67-10  Supplemental Appropriations (MV License; Gasoline; Permissive MV)
68-10  Road Program
69-10  1790 Enterprise Bond
70-10  Then and Now Purchase Orders
71-10  Supplemental Appropriations (General)
72-10 NOT USED
73-10  Then and Now Purchase Orders
74-10  Q3 Purchase Orders
74-10 As Amended  Q3 Purchase Orders Additional 
74-10 As Amended #2 NOT USED
74-10 As Amended #3  Q3 Purchase Orders Additional
74-10 As Amended #4  Q3 Purchase Orders Additional
74-10 As Amended #5  Q3 Purchase Orders Additional
75-10  Q2 Supplemental Appropriations
76-10  Local Transportation Improvements Program Grant Application Hadden
77-10  Local Transportation Improvements Program Grant Application North Boyle
78-10  Local Transportation Improvements Program Grant Application Heights Phase IX
79-10  Local Transportation Improvements Program Grant Application Heights Phase X
80-10  Accept Tax Incentive Review Council Recommendations
81-10  Supplemental Appropriations (General)
82-10  Then and Now Purchase Orders
83-10  Fund Transfers (General to Garbage; General to Police)
84-10  Certify 3.00, 1.00 and 1.14 Mill Police Levies (Combine and Replace)
85-10  7996 Darrow Access Management System
86-10  Certify 3.00 and 1.00 Mill Police Levies (Combine and Replace)
87-10  Certify 3.00 Mill Police Levy (Replace)
88-10  Certify 1.00 Mill Police Levy (Replace)
89-10  Certify 1.14 Mill Police Levy (Replace)
90-10  Submit 3.00 and 1.00 Mill Police Levies (Combine and Replace)
91-10  Submit 3.00 Mill Police Levy (Replace)
92-10  Submit 1.00 Mill Police Levy (Replace)
93-10  Submit 1.14 Mill Police Levy (Replace)
94-10  Clean Ohio Conservation Fund Grant Application Darrow
95-10  Clean Ohio Conservation Fund Grant Application Old Mill
96-10  Rossi Property (Eton and Rugby) Purchase Agreement
97-10  Workers' Compensation Group Rating Program Enrollment Renewal
98-10  Sourcing Office Cooperative Purchase Program Participation
99-10  Sunbelt Rentals Credit Application
100-10  Then and Now Purchase Orders
101-10  Property and Liability Insurance Policy Renewal
102-10  Q3 Supplemental Appropriations
103-10  Q4 Purchase Orders
103-10 As Amended  Q4 Purchase Orders Additional
103-10 As Amended #2  Q4 Purchase Orders Additional
103-10 As Amended #3  Q4 Purchase Orders Additional
103-10 As Amended #4  Q4 Purchase Orders Additional
103-10 As Amended #5  Q4 Purchase Orders Additional
103-10 As Amended #6  Q4 Purchase Orders Additional
103-10 As Amended #7  Q4 Purchase Orders Additional

104-10  Anthony Construction
105-10  Holly Property (Twinsburg) Purchase Agreement
106-10  Heights Property (Cambridge, Rugby, Case, and Stanford) Purchase Agreements
107-10  Land Reutilization Procedures Adoption and Implementation
108-10  Then and Now Purchase Orders
109-10  Then and Now Purchase Orders
110-10  2011 Advancement of Funds
111-10  2011 Accept Amounts and Rates; Certify Necessary Tax Levies
112-10  Then and Now Purchase Orders
113-10  Supplemental Appropriations (General; Permissive MV)
114-10  Nature's Preserve Planned Residential Development Agreement
115-10  Supplemental Appropriations (General)
116-10  Fund Transfer (General to Garbage)
117-10  Supplemental Appropriations (General)
118-10  Then and Now Purchase Orders
119-10  Policy Manual Amendments Minimum Leave Usage
120-10  Regional 800MHz Radio System User/MAC User Agreement
121-10  Supplemental Appropriations (Road and Bridge)
122-10  Q4 Supplemental Appropriations
123-10  Then and Now Purchase Orders
124-10  Dental Insurance Policy Renewal
125-10  NOT USED
126-10  Zoning Moratorium Skill-Based Amusement Machines
127-10  2011 Temporary Appropriations
128-10  Anderson Property (1447 Twinsburg) Purchase Agreement
129-10  Supplemental Appropriations (General); Township Manager Employment
130-10  Then and Now Purchase Orders
131-10  NOT USED

2010 Board of Zoning Appeals Resolutions

02-09 As Amended  7996 Darrow Road/HSGA - Use Variance Modifications
01-10  3260 Old Mill Road/Jones - Area Variances
02-10  3189 East Aurora Road/Ambassadors in Sport - Conditional Use and Area Variances
03-10  8500 Chamberlin Road/Penn Ohio Coal Co. dba Kimble T&R - Conditional Use Modifications
04-10  9460 Liberty Road/Markusic and Marfed, LLC - Area Variances
05-10  2114 Oxford Street/Herndon - Area Variances

2010 Joint Economic Development District (JEDD) Board of Directors Resolutions

02-09 As Amended  2010 Budget Amendment
01-10  2011 Budget

02-10  2011 Projects

2010 Twin-Keystone Water District (TKWD) Board of Trustees Resolutions

01-10  Officers
02-10  Engineering Services
03-10  Legal Services
04-10  Accounting Services
05-10  Assistant Secretary Services

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This page was last updated on April 3, 2013.
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