1790 Enterprise Parkway, Twinsburg Ohio 44087 P: 330.425.4497 | F: 330.963.6816
2012 Resolutions
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2012 Resolutions

Below is a list of 2012 board, commission, and committee resolutions.  Digits to the left of the dash refer to the order in which the resolution was introduced, and digits to the right of the dash refer to the year in which the original resolution was acted on.  All resolutions are original except where amendments are noted. Resolutions are listed by resolution number, with amended resolutions listed after the corresponding original resolution.  Resolutions are amended after the original resolution is acted on, so the order below is not chronological by date.  Prior year resolutons are included on this list only if amended or otherwise acted on in the current year.  Resolutions are posted to this site once acted on at a meeting and signed, usually within a week to two weeks after the date of the meeting.  Resolutions with exhibits are posted for those pertaining to fiscal matters (appropriations, purchase orders, etc.).  Resolutions only (i.e., without exhibits) are posted for all other resolutions.  Copies of all resolutions and exhibits are available Township Hall.

2012 Board of Trustees Resolutions

17-99 As Amended  Zoning Amendments Floor Area Requirements
17-99 As Amended  Zoning Amendments Skill-Based Amusement Machines
17-99 As Amended  Zoning Amendments Building and Structure (Use of Terms)
17-99 As Amended  Zoning Amendments Liberty Road Rezoning
89-09 As Amended #3  Burton Property (Harvard) Purchase Agreement Ext. Due Dil. Pd.; Add Sellers
61-10 As Amended #2  9833 Ravenna Brokerage Services Extension
126-10 As Amended #4  Zoning Moratorium Skill-Based Amusement Machines Extend to 08/20/2012
128-10 As Amended #2  Anderson Property (1447 Twinsburg) Purchase Agreement Ext. Due Dil. Pd.
88-11 As Amended  Barber Property (east of 1411 Twinsb.) Purch. Ag. Ext. Due Dil.; Chg. Seller
88-11 As Amended #2  Barber Property (east of 1411 Twinsb.) Purchase Agreement Ext. Due Dil.
01-12 As Amended  Organizational Remove Videographer Names
02-12  Recreation Center Program
02-12 As Amended  Recreation Center Program Add Akron General H&W Ctr. N. and Snap Fitness
03-12  Senior Center Program
04-12  Senior Transportation Program
05-12  Q1 Purchase Orders
05-12 As Amended  Q1 Purchase Orders Additional
06-12  Legal Services
07-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
08-12  Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant Application
09-12  Natureworks Grant Application
10-12  Clean Ohio Trails Fund and/or Recreational Trails Program Grant Application
11-12  Community Recycling Access Grant Application
12-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
13-12  Policy Manual Amendments Hiring Procedures
14-12  Telephone Policy Amendments Various
15-12  Website Policy
16-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
17-12  Fire/EMS Contract
17-12 As Amended  Fire/EMS Contract
17-12 As Amended #2  Fire/EMS Contract
18-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
19-12  Q2 Purchase Orders
19-12 As Amended  Q2 Purchase Orders Additional
19-12 As Amended #2  Q2 Purchase Orders Additional
19-12 As Amended #3  Q2 Purchase Orders Additional
19-12 As Amended #4  Q2 Purchase Orders Additional
19-12 As Amended #5  Q2 Purchase Orders Additional
20-12  Road Program
21-12  Permanent Appropriations
22-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
23-12  Fund Transfer (General to Garbage)
24-12  KCI/McCoy Associates Settlement Agreement
25-12  Vision Insurance Policy Renewal
26-12  Community Garden Program
27-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
28-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
29-12  State Infrastructure Bank Program Loan or Bond Application
30-12  Medical Insurance Policy Renewal
31-12  Janitorial Services
32-12  Supplemental Appropriation (Erwin Geis Park)
33-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
34-12  NCD Co. Property (south of 7946 Darrow) Purchase Agreement
35-12  Fund Transfer (General to Police)
36-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
37-12  Q3 Purchase Orders
37-12 As Amended  Q3 Purchase Orders Additional
37-12 As Amended #2  Q3 Purchase Orders Additional
37-12 As Amended #3  Q3 Purchase Orders Additional
37-12 As Amended #4  Q3 Purchase Orders Additional
37-12 As Amended #5  Q3 Purchase Orders Additional
37-12 As Amended #6  Q3 Purchase Orders Additional
37-12 As Amended #7  Q3 Purchase Orders Additional
37-12 As Amended #8  Q3 Purchase Orders Additional
38-12  Accept Tax Incentive Review Council Recommendations
39-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
40-12  Samuel Steel Pickling Company Property (south of 1400 Enterprise) Purchase Agreement
41-12  Highland SOM Dev. Co. Property (west of 8211 Bavaria) Purchase Agreement
42-12  1875 Marwell Emergency Abatement
43-12  Q2 Supplemental Appropriations
44-12  Erwin Geis Park Retaining Wall Reconstruction Services
45-12  International 4400 Dump Chassis
46-12  International 4400 Dump Body and Equipment
47-12  Herrick Railroad Crossing
48-12  USDA Rural Development Loan Application
49-12  Moving Ohio Forward Grant Local Share Commitment
49-12 As Amended  Moving Ohio Forward Grant Local Share Commitment Additional Authorization
50-12  Summit County Land Bank Establishment Support
51-12  Speedway Category 2 Use Development Agreement
52-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
53-12  Supplemental Appropriation (General)
54-12  7996 Darrow Purchase Option Exercise Notice
55-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
56-12  Fund Transfer (General to Garbage)
57-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
58-12  Postal Machine Lease Agreement
59-12  Policy Manual Amendments Overtime Calculation
60-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
61-12  Supplemental Appropriations (General, Gasoline)
62-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
63-12  Supplemental Appropriations (General)
64-12  Special Assessments
65-12  Q3 Supplemental Appropriations
66-12  Q4 Purchase Orders
66-12 As Amended  Q4 Purchase Orders Additional
66-12 As Amended #2  Q4 Purchase Orders Additional
66-12 As Amended #3  Q4 Purchase Orders Additional
66-12 As Amended #4  Q4 Purchase Orders Additional
66-12 As Amended #5  Q4 Purchase Orders Additional
67-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
68-12  Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company (Herrick Road) Reimbursement Agreement
69-12  Supplemental Appropriations (General)
70-12  Fund Advance (General to Police)
71-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
72-12  2013 Advancement of Funds
73-12  2013 Accept Amounts and Rates; Certify Necessary Tax Levies
74-12  Twinsburg City School District Levy Support
75-12  1793 Enterprise License and Indemnity Agreement
76-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
77-12  Supplemental Appropriations (General)
78-12  Supplemental Appropriations (General)
79-12  Fund Transfer (General to Garbage)
80-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
81-12  Delinquent Land Acquisition Selection
82-12  Steffan Woods Planned Residential Development Agreement
83-12  Q4 Supplemental Appropriations
84-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
85-12  Dental Insurance Policy Renewal
86-12  Life Insurance Policy Renewal
87-12  Fund Transfer (General to Police)
88-12  Touraji/Mrozinska Property (east of 2182 East Aurora) Purchase Agreement
89-12  Touraji/Mrozinska Property (east of 2182 East Aurora) Partial Sales Agreement
90-12  Supplemental Appropriations (General)
91-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
92-12  Natures Preserve Phase 1 Street Lighting Assessment District
93-12  7996 Darrow Bond
94-12  2013 Temporary Appropriations


2012 Board of Zoning Appeals Resolutions

02-09 As Amended #3  7996 Darrow Road/HSGA - Use Variance Modifications
05-11-A  8788 Hadden Road/Sanctuary of Praise - Wall Sign Variance
05-11-B  8788 Hadden Road/Sanctuary of Praise - Ground Sign Variance
01-12  2133 Hiram Lane/Smith - Area Variance
02-12  2650 Old Mill Road/Shortridge - Area Variances
03-12  7966 Darrow Road/Speedway - Conditional Use
04-12  8518 Ravenna Road/Andzelik - Area Variance
05-12  3224 St. Mikala Court/Morrill - Area Variance [WITHDRAWN]
06-12  1925 Rugby Street/Shepherd - Area Variances
07-12  7996 Darrow Road/Twinsburg Township - Area Variances
08-12  2296 Old Mill Road/Kascsak - Area Variances


2012 Joint Economic Development District Board of Directors Resolutions

01-12  2013 Budget
02-12  2013 Projects


2012 Twin-Keystone Water District Board of Trustees Resolutions

01-12  Depository Agreement
02-12  Building Lease Agreement Amendment
03-12  Building Security Agreement Amendment
04-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
05-12  Purchase Orders
06-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
07-12  Purchase Orders
08-12  Engineering Services
09-12  Code of Bylaws and Regulations Amendments various
10-12  Certificate of Disolution Filing
11-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
12-12  Purchase Orders
13-12  Settlement Agreement
14-12  Code of Bylaws and Regulations Amendments various
15-12  Revenue Budget Amendment 3
16-12  Appropriations Budget Amendment 3
17-12  Legal Services
18-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
19-12  Purchase Orders
20-12  Rescind Ravenna/Old Mill Water Main Extension Charge
21-12  Refund Ravenna/Old Mill Water Main Extension Charges Collected
22-12  Refund Surplus Plan Review and Inspection Deposits
23-12  Property and Liability Insurance Coverage
24-12  Appropriations Budget Amendment 4
25-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
26-12  Purchase Orders
27-12  Refund Surplus Plan Review and Inspection Deposits
28-12  Refund Surplus Plan Review and Inspection Deposits
29-12  District Modification Court Petition Authorization
30-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
31-12  Purchase Orders
32-12  Appropriation Budget Amendment 5
33-12  Approve District Map
34-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
35-12  Revenue Budget Amendment 4
36-12  Appropriation Budget Amendment 6
37-12  Purchase Orders
38-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
39-12  Special Assessments
40-12  Second (Deduct) Water Meter Authorization
41-12  Code of Bylaws and Regulations Amendments various
42-12  Purchase Orders
43-12  Then and Now Purchase Orders
44-12  Appropriations Budget Amendment 7
45-12  Purchase Order
46-12  3100 Glenwood Service Connection Fees; Fund Transfer (Escrow to Operating)
47-12  Donate Surplus Property to Township and Humane Society
48-12  Appropriations Budget Amendment 8
49-12  2013 Revenue Budget
50-12  2013 Appropriations Budget
51-12  Purchase Orders
52-12  Then and now Purchase Orders
53-12  2013 Legal Services
54-12  2013 Engineering Services
55-12  2013 Depository Agreement

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This page was last updated on January 23, 2014.

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